Skin in the Game

Recently I was browsing the magazine rack, which I rarely do nowadays. I picked up a copy of NASCAR Illustrated  I noticed that the top that it said there was a free Kasey Kahne poster inside. So like any other girl would have done I tossed it in my cart ;) . When I got home and started looking through the mag, which was mostly random facts about races that had happened weeks ago. I came across a rather interesting article. I somehow missed this on the cover of the magazine ”Bare Necessity? Female Racers Trying To Outrun Danica’s Shadow.” That’s when I found the “Skin in the Game” article. This article is something that I have honestly almost done a vlog on many times myself. I really want to talk to female drivers and find out how they feel about this exact situation. The very well written article by Kris Johnson mentions discussions with, Jennifer Jo Cobb, Johanna Long, Amber and Angela Cope, Shawna Robinson, Lyn St. James and Annabeth Barnes. It discusses how Danica has marketed herself and how she is being perceived in the media. The article also asks the female drivers if they were put in the same position with a sponsor how they would react. The article is really good. Unfortunately NASCAR Illustrated does not post their articles on their site or I would share it with you guys. I highly suggest that everyone pick up the June 2012 issue and read the article. You won’t be sorry. Plus the Kasey Kahne poster is pretty nice too ;)

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Owner of Huge Braves Fan..