Drag Racing — 10 March 2011

*2/4/2011 Moncks Corner SC* – For Carol Long the 2011 season in her 63 Corvette is looking very bright. The team based in Moncks Corner SC,will be representing The World Motorsports Breast Cancer Foundation all season.”I am very excited to be associated with such a worthwhile foundation, millions of women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, and it it a honor to be able to spread the word about this disease with my racing.” Long said.

“The foundation got in touch with Carol though Facebook when I had decided it was time that we expand into the racing industry. Since there are few NASCAR female drivers I started looking at Drag racing. Carol was the first driver I contacted, because of the type of vehicle

and racing she competed in. Being so competitive in her class with men we felt she would attract thousands of people to the foundation and what we do.” Tom Pollard PhD said. The World Motor Sports Breast Cancer Foundation is a charitable organization that raises money for the victims of breast cancer. It also provides grants to clinics for mammograms and schools/community centers for educational programs on breast cancer awareness and self testing.

The foundation attends events in the automotive and the motor industry everywhere they can and social events at night clubs throughout the USA and Canada. States and other countries are encouraged to establish chapters within their borders with our support.

“The foundation is currently working on events for late summer that will include Carol and the Foundation at some of the major tracks. Meet and Greet, and some party type events we hope to arrange in conjunction with her race schedule and all of our events.Carol is a strong and very competitive female, just the example females suffering

from breast cancer need to see and look up to. Competing in a male dominated industry she has overcome hurdles that even some men don’t. We feel Carol can be an inspiration to the victims and a huge benefit to the Foundation” Dr Tom said.

The team plans to compete in The Quick 8 Outlaws, The Extreme Outlaw Pro Mods, and the Pro Mod series at Carolina Dragway, along with various local events within the South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia areas.

Its a close knit team consisting of Carol’s husband Kenny who serves as Crew Chief, Tim Poole, David May, and Jake and Ciara. “There are a lot of people that help to make it possible for us to race our 1963 JBRC Corvette. I cannot remember when I have been more excited to represent a

organization with my racing, what a honor it is for this team.” Long said

For more information about the World Motorsports Breast Cancer Foundation please check out their website


For more information about Carol Long and her team contact Carol at:


Racerchick PR Dee3825@gmail.com

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Owner of FemaleRacingNews.com.. Huge Braves Fan..